Monday, May 16, 2011

Love & Mercy....God's Goodness!

This past week, God reminded me daily of the Love, Mercy, & Goodness He has for His children & humanity. Regardless of the present situation or circumstance we may find ourselves in. As I reflect on the divine appointments I encountered this week and each of these gifts He gives us, I am in awe of our Father's love, and so Thankful.  His love is unconditional, regardless of our qualities or our actions. He is merciful & compassionate toward us.  And His goodness toward us is His overflowing love, compassion & desire for us. It is so undeserved, yet freely given. 

My week started out meeting a beautiful woman of God that needed prayer for herself, her children & her husband. She had such a sweet spirit and God just wanted her to realize how much he loved her and believed in her. He wanted her to understand that she was the apple of His eye. After praying with her, we decided to meet for coffee during the week. When we met up, she had invited another friend and her children. We had our first women's small group! It was a wonderful time of encouragement, sharing the word & prayer. I can't wait until we meet up again!

The next divine appointment I want to share, was on the metro. I was riding to meet a friend when a man on a scooter (electric chair) got on. Everyone around him moved away, as though they were afraid they'd catch something.......then they just stared at him, some even pointed. I was told by a Pastor that many people believe people with disabilities are "bad luck." My heart was breaking for this man. Then God said to me, "I love him". I quietly said to God, I know. Then God said to me, "tell him I love him." I suddenly started having an argument in my head with God, "I have to get off at the next metro stop, there isn't time. I don't even know if he speaks english. I don't want him to get the wrong idea....." God just kept saying "tell him I love him." It was so I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to me, very stiff, as if he had severe CP. I leaned to his ear and asked him, "Do you understand english?" He nodded "yes". I then said, "God wants me to tell you that He loves you." You would not believe the look on his face. His eyes got real big, and filled with tears. He then asked me as best he could "why?" I said to him, "God just wants you to know, He loves you." As the man got this huge smile on his face & was still cryinging, I put my hand on his shoulder & quietly prayed for him. It was the most wonderful experience.......then the metro doors opened and I stepped off.  I don't know what was going on in this man's life, but I do know that God loves him and he NEEDED to know that!

The last experience I want to share is from a church service that I attended for drug addicts. It was on the roof top of a building where the pastor has been ministering for years to the addicts on the streets of Athens. There were probably 50 people at the service. There was a worship band, the word of God was preached and the people were fed. Many of the people who were there were high and/or drunk.....but God's love & word, is no respecter of persons. God's love meets people where they are. His word is "alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires." Heb 4:12  The people at this service were being given the love of God and His word was going forth. Many of their lives were forever changed! It was a blessing to see men that a few weeks ago were on the streets on drugs now sitting in a church service sober, with their hands raised giving God glory & honor & praise for the things He has done!

God doesn't care where we are. He will meet us there. Whether we live on the streets in a cardboard box or in a mansion on a hill. He doesn't care that we are not perfect, that we have made numerous mistakes. He doesn't care if we have no money or if we are millionaires. He loves us and he wants us to know that. 

As Christians, the body of Christ, we must pursue a revelation of God's love. We must love Him back with all our heart, our soul, our mind & our strength so that from the overflow of this love, we can love those that he brings across our path. Those that the world sees as lovable & those that the world sees as unlovable. We must love them the way He loves them, unconditionally. We are His hands and feet! Opportunities are all around us daily. Don't miss the chance to shine His light and share His love with those around you today!

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!" Ps 107:1

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