Tuesday, March 29, 2011

God is so faithful!

I am still having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that I leave on Thursday morning for Athens! So many things are rushing through my mind right now, all that I still have to do, praying that I don't forget anything, all the people I want to see before I leave, what I should pack to take with me and what I should leave behind........the list goes on & on. It's exciting but a little scarry. I feel like I have so much to do and so little time........but isn't that really how life is? In life we have so much that we could be doing for God but we think we have all the time in the world to do it. When we're young we think we have a whole life time to accomplish things, when really our life is but a vapor. Truly there is so much to do and so little time! Our time here on earth is very short compared to eternity. I am so grateful & honored that God would want to use me. My prayer is that I am able to do all that He has called me to do while I am here on planet earth and when I see Him, he says to me "well done my faithful servant".

God has done so much in the last year as I have been preparing to go on this journey. He has open doors of opportunity, closed doors that needed to be shut, made a way when there seemed to be no way, drawn me closer to Him, and helped me to grow both spiritually and as a person! He has been so faithful through the good times and the rough times! Without Him I can do nothing! But I know with Him I can do ANYTHING He has called me to do!

Please continue to keep me, my family (Mary who is a ywam student & Katie who just moved back to Ohio and got married) and the Celebration Athens Greece Team as well as Greece in your prayers.  Prayer is powerful & God moves mountains though faithful prayer.

Thank you to all of my partners! I love and appreciate you all and continue to pray for you and your families daily. If you have any particular prayer requests please email me and let me know. If you are not yet a partner with me in this mission but would like more information please email me at tlitzer@gmail.com. I would love to share with you all that God is doing.

Antío gia tó ra, goodbye for now. I will share with you again soon!

Love & Blessings,


Psalm 16:8-9 "I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad and I rejoice. I rest in safety.